Title: Gaeul Donghwa (Korea)/ Autumn Tale
Genre: Drama, Romance
Rating: 8.2/10
Episodes: 01-16
Starring: Song Seung Hun, Song Hye Kyo, Won Bin, Han Na-na
Endless Love 2000 Synopsis :The Korean drama unofficially title "Endless Love" was actually a four different series based on the the season. Each season dealt with a a different aspect of love , different plot lines and a different set of characters. They were called "Autumn Fairy Tale" (2000), "Winter Sonata" 2002, "Summer Scent" 2003 and "Spring Waltz" (2006) . Each show started with young love that continues on into adulthood after being separated with slightly different variations on that theme. Scenery was very important in the show often displaying the season which the series was about. They also followed trends at the time the first shows Autumn and Winter dealt with tragedy where as the spring and summer show became more lighter fare.